Saturday, August 15, 2015

Things to do the first week of kindergarten

I'm alive!!!! I promise! The first week of kindergarten (or any grade for that matter) is always pure chaos, but we always come out the other side so much better. I swear, it's like childbirth... I always forget just how crazy it is until I'm doing it!

I actually went into work today to tie up a few loose ends. Thank goodness I had my partner in crime with me to put together my students' pencil boxes for them. Week two is coming quick, but first... let's look at week one! Here are some things I always make sure to do:

1. Put all my important information right at my finger tips. Once school gets going, these things become second nature and are perfect for storing in your sub folder or binder. The first week, though, my head is spinning and I don't know my kids perfectly yet so I need to keep this on hand! This clipboard went with me everywhere this week. Included is a chart of transportation home (and the sheets parents filled out, just in case there is a question about anything!), a class list with names and numbers (for when you're lining up and need to make sure you have all your little ducks), and my lesson plans. I try to include super detailed lesson plans for each week, but my first week plans are bullet points to make sure I include all the procedures and routines I need to include! I might need to start calling this a back to school bible.

2. Start establishing relationships with kids and parents. I collect parent email information during sneak peek and make sure to send a mass email to my parents right before school starts or the very first day. This helps you to establish that initial relationship, but it also helps make sure you have email addresses correct!!! I also buy a pack of cute postcards and write out my students' names and addresses on them to fill out throughout the week. I try to send them out the first weekend of school so I have something positive to say about each student and let them know how excited I am for them to be in my class!

3. Start assessing your students. Don't go crazy and overwork your kids, but as soon as you have an idea about where your kids are right now, you can get started on looking ahead. Plus, my state has mandated baseline testing we have to input anyway, in addition to testing our county requires. I like to get my math pretests and letter sound testing done ASAP! This particular student cracked me up. :)

4. Take a second to breathe. On Tuesday of this week, I had tons to do. I could've looked through data, called parents, or started planning my week ahead. Instead, I went with D to his softball game and regretted nothing. The weather was gorgeous and getting to see him in his element is one of my favorite things. Listen, I completely understand that teaching and your class are your LIFE, but they really can't be your whole life. You have to learn to strike a balance between the two. Not to mention, if you are overworked and exhausted, it will show to your kids. Please please please take some time this week to take a deep breathe and enjoy your life!
Monday, August 3, 2015

TPT back to school sale and meet the teacher book

Well... it's officially my last day of summer vacation. My last afternoon by now! My brain is in overdrive right now. I'm so ready for pre-planning to start tomorrow!

I had to stop in today to say that there is a sale at Teachers Pay Teachers today and tomorrow. If you use TPT products like I do, you have to go!!!! Remember, I'm not a seller... I just had to make sure you knew about this sale.

I filled up my cart yesterday with things I had on my wishlist and things I discovered when searching through the new products section. I think my favorite thing is this:

It is an editable meet the teacher book that comes in two versions: English and Spanish! It's by Books and Bilinguals. I've never actually bought anything from her before, but now I'm obsessed! On my class roster so far, I have 17 students and 6 of them are spanish-speaking in some capacity. This is my highest population of Spanish speaking students I have had so far, and I know I need to create a space where they feel just as loved as everyone else. It is so so so important to create a warm, friendly, culturally aware environment for our students, and I know my students and families are going to LOVE these books when they come meet me on Thursday! I started following her today and can't wait to buy more things from her in the future.
*I should probably note that I don't have quite as much text in my Spanish version as in my English one. Her headings were all translated by her, so I didn't have to touch those, but I was nervous about using Google translate to translate a ton of text in there. I translated a few words and phrases, but didn't want to risk sounding like an idiot in another language.

Anyway, I spent my morning working on my books, and I can't wait to laminate them and bind them tomorrow. I'll make sure I put the finished product on here for you to see. :)

I also bought this anchor chart by Jonelle Bell. I had seen it on her blog a while ago and put it on my wishlist for when I was buying other stuff. Sorting is a standard we have in every single one of our math units, and on our assessments the students have to be able to sort without any directions! I'm planning on making this into a cute anchor chart tomorrow so I have it from day one!

I also purchased these CHAMPS posters to use with my CHAMPS board I made last week. I wasn't sure what I would think about them, but thought I'd go ahead and buy them because of the sale. I'm still not 100% sold on some of the graphics choices to match the words, but they are very cute! I still plan on taking photographs of my students demonstrating what they should be doing, and will probably use a combination of photographs and these with my board!

So... have you been shopping yet?!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Goals

Holy cow... I can NOT believe it's August already. I swear, summer vacation just started!!! I have two whole days of vacation left to enjoy, yall. Anyway, I read a LOT of blogs, and so many bloggers have monthly goals, so I thought I would join in! It's always good to have goals, after all. Here we go:

1. Shoot for working out 3 times a week: With school starting, I know my workouts are going to suffer. I feel like my body is always exhausted at the beginning of the year as I get used to being on my feet all day again, so 3 times a week is a really hefty goal, and honestly, I'm going to be happy with 2 times a week.

2. Create our Christmas shopping list and budget: Yes, D and I start planning for Christmas in August! Last year, we were completely finished shopping and wrapping by Thanksgiving. We are super frugal about certain things, and Christmas can be a huge expense with big families like ours, so we try to get started with the planning as early as possible. It also really helps with planning if you set a monetary goal for yourself.

3. Buy a wedding gift for Arleta: One of my favorite people from college is getting married this month!!! I need to go through her registries and pick out a perfect gift!

4. Go to DC for Arleta's wedding: I just put this on here because it's always good to have something on your list that you know you can easily accomplish. :) Plane tickets purchased, fancy pants hotel is reserved, dogs are being watched by D's mom... we are good to go at the end of the month!

5. Meet my new kiddos: This is another easy peasy one! I can't wait to meet the new gang on Thursday (AHHHH)

6. Spend all of August school days establishing ROUTINES and PROCEDURES: I'll write a post about this next week, but I really, truly devote a ton of time in the first few weeks just laying the classroom foundation. I know that we're supposed to do this for six weeks, but in my district/school, teaching has to start ASAP! I like to start small with reading and math groups and just try to teach them about rotating and expectations... this is where CHAMPS is going to come in handy! Speaking of establishing routines, make sure you go to Sarah's First Grade Snippets ASAP to grab her morning routine posters that are FREE. I just downloaded mine and am printing them tomorrow, but I won't make that a goal on here ;)

7. Eat dinner at home 6 nights a week: We are really into grocery shopping and saving as much money on food as possible right now, plus everyone knows that eating at home is just healthier.

So there we go! I can't wait to check back in with these at the beginning of September!
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Back to School Shopping at Target

Last week, I entered a giveaway from Snazzy in Second and Notes from the Portable. And I won!!! Listen yall, I enter tons of blog giveaways. And never win. So this was very exciting stuff!!!

I got my digital gift card to TARGET last night and was really excited to get shopping. I knew I wanted to use it for teacher related things... I ended up spending a ton of time on the site last night and this morning trying to find just the right things to buy! I had to take a quick break from shopping to take a picture on the photobooth on my computer, because this was what my shopping trip looked like this morning:

Sorry the picture is dark, but how cute are they?! These are my youngest two babies (we have two cats and two dogs) and they follow us e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. we go, especially the kitten! Chipper especially loves when we are working on a project... he has to sit right where we are!

I started off spending some time looking at teacher clothes, but I realized how weird I am about buying things online that I'm not sure of the fit. I am super picky about my clothes! So I ended up finding some good deals on a few school supplies I hadn't ordered yet:

These Expo markers were a steal! I love the skinny ones for my little friends to use... if they use the regular fat Expos, they write ENORMOUSLY on their whiteboards, and I find the skinny ones encourage their writing to be a bit more normal sized. I ended up ordering 4 packs of these so I will have plenty of them available for my kids to use during small groups or centers!
Teacher Tip: Newbie teachers, I have to warn you... DO NOT be tempted to buy other brands of white board markers! I know the Expos are not the cheapest, but they are worth it! I speak from experience on this one.

These file folders were something I completely forgot about ordering with my school's annual supply money. I knew there was something I was forgetting... there always is. And of course when I got to school on Monday it dawned on me right away that I was almost out of file folders! I use these for my personal files (duh) but also for putting their weekly graded papers into "Thursday Papers" each week.  This price was really good, especially because I didn't actually need 600, which is how many I feel like you usually get!

These Mr. Sketch markers were my special splurge!!! I love them for making anchor charts and what is better than a fresh pack of markers? (nothing!)

Even if you aren't looking to buy any school supplies from, you may want to check out their clearance clothes! There were tons of things marked down to ridiculously cheap prices, but selection in sizes was a bit picked over. You never know though, you may get lucky!

I had lots of fun spending my Target gift card today, and I know these things will really benefit my classroom. Thank you so much for the giftcard ladies!! If you are reading my blog today, be sure to visit their sites today and enter their latest giveaway... a Michael's gift card this time!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Preplanning and Room Set Up: First Things First

I'm about to enter my fifth year teaching, and each year I enter my room dumbfounded... like I've forgotten where to get started! This year, I wanted to write down what I do to get myself ready to start the year. I know it'll help me in years to come, and maybe will help you as you set up your room this year!

1. Buy your stuff: Before you even go back, buy the supplies you're going to need. Or at least make a list of what you need to order through school. At my school, we get $150 to spend at Office Max in the fall semester, and we have to order it by following a specific protocol. Other cutesy things we buy on our own. Teacher Tip: Save your receipts!!!!!! You're going to want these for your taxes, and if you're lucky, you may be able to get reimbursed for purchases you made on your own. You can read more about the stuff I bought on my own here.

2. Set up the tables/desks in your room: This is the most physically difficult part, haha. It helps to recruit an assistant, especially if you're moving big stuff! Please consider finding someone to help you (I know some of my coworkers team up!)... I know people that have gotten injured moving big furniture in their classrooms and it was bad news. If you're still figuring out how to make your room set up work for you, you're probably going to want to create a blueprint/map to at least start off with. Moving those tables is hard work and you don't want to move them over and over again if you don't have to.

3. Put your stuff up on the walls: This is the first year that I didn't take everything down so I didn't have to put it all back up! Hallelujah!!! That being said, please don't stress about getting every single thing put on the wall before the kids come. I promise it'll be okay. Just put up what you absolutely need for meet the teacher and the first week, and you're good. :)

4. Get yourself ready for Meet the Teacher: After I have my shell of the classroom set up, the next thing I focus on is Meet the Teacher. I always put together folders that have vital information for parents (I'll write a post about them ASAP!) and have my treats for the kids out at their table spots. I always make sure to have the kids names and numbers out on the tables. These are by no means their permanent seats, but it really comforts the kids and parents knowing where the children are going to sit and where their cubbies are! I put signs out with directions for parents and try to make the whole process as seamless as possible. If your school has specific things they like you to have out or talk about at meet the teacher, make sure you are ready for that!! I don't completely finish setting up every single thing in my room, because some of the meet the teacher stuff takes up space I use for other things! Just set up the essentials and you'll be good.

We don't get our *official* class lists until the day of sneak peek, and we aren't allowed to post any names in the hallways until noon of that day. I try to have everything set up the day before so that I can focus on personalization on the day I get my real list. I make a class list for the hallway, print out names for my bulletin board, write out name plates and laminate them, and start making labels for various folders/pencil boxes.

5. Get ready for the first day: When sneak peek is said and done, you can finish setting up your room for the first day of school. Always always always have a game plan for the whole week ready, and make sure you build in extra things. I'll have a post up in the coming week about what I do for the first few days of school...

Until then, breathe and know that it'll get done! Every year I stress about this and every year it turns out perfectly okay. Just remember to get the essentials done first, then worry about the extra details later. And don't think everything has to match exactly or look like some of the classrooms we see on Pinterest... some of the happiest and most productive classrooms don't have pompoms hanging from the ceiling or rainbows painted across the whole wall. Whatever you do will be perfect for you. :)

Klassy K Wednesday

I thought it would be really fun to devote one day a week to introducing myself to the internet. I know this is a teaching blog, but teachers are more than just classrooms! We are whole people, even if the kinder babies are SHOCKED to see us out and about in the world. Today's Klassy K Wednesday is devoted to a blog survey:

 Four Facts Survey
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
  1. Linds
  2. L
  3. "Mrs. Kim" (this is not my name but I get called this by at least one person every single year!!!)
  4. Bubbles (My dad has always called me this and I love it! )
Four jobs I’ve had:
  1. Kindergarten Teacher (duh!!!)
  2. Tennis Coach (my first job when I was in high school! I loved it! This is when I always tell people I knew I wanted to be a teacher)
  3. Korean Summer School Teacher (These were some fun summers at KCPC!)
  4. Store Associate (for a total of 7 weeks the summer after my freshman year. I don't think I missed my calling in retail.)
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
  1. What To Expect When You're Expecting -This is my favorite movie of all time and I have seen it at least 50 times. Probably more. I'm the annoying person who is saying the lines while they're being spoken throughout the movie. 
  2. Christmas Vacation- a yearly tradition in our house
  3. Sweet Home Alabama- Reese at her absolute best! I have this one on my DVR and I am never deleting it!!!
  4. Just Friends- the awkward hug dance is my favorite.
Four books I’d recommend:
  1. What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty
  2. The Little Prince by Antoine de St. Exupery (if you can read French, you have to read this in French!!! Makes me cry every time) (Yes, I can still read French) (No I can't speak it or understand it orally!)
  3. Looking For Alaska by John Green (and I'll throw in An Abundance of Katherines for free with that one)
  4. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Four places I’ve lived
  1. Marlborough/East Hampton, CT
  2. Johns Creek, GA
  3. Athens, GA

  1. Acworth, GA
Four (recent) places I’ve visited:
  1. Elijay, GA- this cabin rental was our Christmas present to each other last year!

2. Denver, CO - Loved visiting my bestie!!!

3. Chicago, IL - My first time in this city since I was a baby! We went for a gorgeous christening

Orlando, FL - Spring Training this year

Four places I’d rather be right now:
  1. My classroom setting up (although when this goes live I will be there! haha)
  2. My couch watching TV with my babies
  3. My parents pool
  4. On the lake with Britt!

Four things I prefer not to eat:
  1. HOT DOGS- no one understands this but I think they are the GROSSEST things ever
  2. Fish- I love sushi, but fish just grosses me out. I can't bring myself to eat it unless it's in something!
  3. Soda- hate it! Always have and always will!
  4. red sauce- it's just not my face. I love the fatty alfredo so much better
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. MACARONI AND CHEESE- the blue box from Kraft! No fancy pants stuff for me...
  2. Sushi from Izumi in Woodstock
  3. Anything from Chickfila
  4. Teriyaki burgers (made by D of course)

Four TV shows I watch:

  1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette (and Bachelor in Paradise starting this weekend!)
  2. New Girl
  3. Teen Mom (I feel terrible for liking this show but I have been following these girls since I was in high school. I have to watch!)
  4. Walking Dead (SO GOOD)
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
  1. Our trip to DC in a few weeks and other fall weddings!!
  2. Meeting my new kiddos in 8 days!
  3. Football season and playing fantasy football with friends!
  4. Fall and fall weather! I need an excuse to wear my new booties and scarves!
Four things I’m always saying:
  1. Love you (I say this to everyone when I say goodbye to them! I never want to regret not telling someone that!)
  2. Why didn't I put on more sunscreen???? <- Me every time I was in the sun this summer
  3. What's for dinner? (This one makes D laugh because he says I'm obsessed with knowing what's for dinner)
  4. Where are you? (I get lost in stores a lot because I have a tendency to wander...)
I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better! Feel free to play along!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CHAMPS strategy and playing catch up!

Hello! I know my blog is still new and I didn't intend to leave for 5 days, but some things came up (insert big eyed emoji here):
We have spent my summer "vacation" (six weeks of tutoring and eight weeks of three grad school classes hardly left me with tons of free time) fixing up our house to get ready to sell it soon. D and I got the urge to rip the carpet off the stairs this weekend and have been working on the stairs ever since. This is after about 3 days of work... I can't wait to see the final project! Anyway, I went into my room yesterday and can't wait to show you my room at the end of the week! I've also been busy working on some projects here at home to get ready for pre-planning next week.

I put the finishing touches on my Meet the Teacher goldfish and books. I just made my labels in word, and they aren't anything fancy. I normally put a border or clipart on labels for things like this, but I had a lot to say and I wanted the font to be big. I used purple for girls and blue for boys.

I also got started on a BRAND NEW project today. In the spring, I completed some leadership trainings. Most of them were basic, survey type sessions, but during the behavior session I learned about the CHAMPS behavior strategy. The letters stand for conversation, help, activity, movement, participation, success. It's a behavior management strategy based around setting very clear expectations for students, and I'm really excited to give it a try. You can read more about it here. I know the hot trend is tossing out your clipchart, but I'm not ready to do that just yet! I'm planning on incorporating CHAMPS along with my clipchart for now, and hopefully ditching the chart one day. 

I'm putting together a board that is kinder-friendly. This means lots of colors and lots of pictures! I completed my board today, and I'm going to print/laminate some photographs and clipart for the help, activity, participation, and movement parts. For the conversation portion, I'm planning on printing out these visuals that are FREE on TPT. There are tons and tons of "voice level charts" on TPT and many are free! I like these and these too.

To make my chart, I started with a bright blue poster board I got at the grocery store. After making my letters, one poster board was not enough so I ended up taping a second one on too. I'm going to laminate the whole thing at the end, so the seam really won't be noticeable.

Don't you just love my home office? I actually have a big desk and work area in my guest room, but the guest room has become renovation/paint central. Now that we're done painting all the doors in our house, I'm excited to have my beautiful guest room back! Stay tuned, haha.

Next, I flipped the poster board over and put tape on my letters. Normally, I would've used a gluestick, but I didn't have one at my house today for some reason. I figured tape would be fine so I could adjust the letters if needed, and I'm going to laminate the whole thing anyway.
I just eyeballed it. Nothing perfectly perfect over here. ;)
After I had taped all the letters down, I cut off the extra poster board. I didn't want it to be too long or too wide so that it would take up a ton of space on my whiteboard at school.

The final product turned out exactly like I had visioned! I can't wait to add my visuals! I'm going to laminate this at school tomorrow and add velcro for the pictures.
I'm sure you could find some of these letters made on TPT, but I just made mine myself. I used these free fuzzy bump borders and some Hello fonts. If you emailed me, I'd be happy to send you these letters for free!
Let me know if you try this strategy as well!! What have you been working on for your classroom this summer? I'd love to know!