Every year we make scrapbooks for our kids. These turn into a HUGE project and end up taking a lot of time and a lot of money, but that's where the inspiration for this project came from. I always love having a first day of school and end of school (NOT last day, because we send the scrapbooks home a couple days early!) and these signs help commemorate that.
This project can be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be. The best part is that it's a chalk board... so if you mess up, you can do it again!
Here's what you'll need:
- chalkboard signs- I got mine at Walmart for about $5 each, and I have seen them there in the craft department very recently, but couldn't find them on Walmart's website! These are from Amazon and look really similar.
- Chalkboard markers- These are the ones I have, and they have really bad reviews on Michael's! I love them so I don't know why those people are so angry. They've lasted a while, too, since I use them on my kitchen chalkboard every week to write out our calendar.
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser- This one is super important! This is the only thing I know of that will truly clean chalkboard marker (which is really more of a paint if we're being honest) off without leaving some kind of shadows or smudgies behind. Teacher Tip: These things are great for cleaning EVERYTHING! I like to buy the off brand ones at Rite Aid for a dollar and they work just as well. :)
That's it! I made two signs: one that says "1st Day of Kindergarten" and one that says "End of Kindergarten". Here's how they turned out! I promise to add more pictures when I get into my classroom next week and pull these out of the closet:
(Don't you just love that kinder outfit???)
These were so popular this year that they got passed around the grade level for my friends to borrow! A few people were wondering how I learned to make lettering like that, and honestly, it's just lots of years of doodling and practice. And believe me, I used that Magic Eraser to re-do these signs about 5 times each! You could do block letters or bubble letters or letters with little dots on the corners, which are some of my favorites. :)
Even if you don't take pictures that need these signs, these are a really cheap way to decorate and I'm sure all the creative teachers out there could find tons more ways to use these. Let me know if you do!
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