Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Klassy K Wednesday

I thought it would be really fun to devote one day a week to introducing myself to the internet. I know this is a teaching blog, but teachers are more than just classrooms! We are whole people, even if the kinder babies are SHOCKED to see us out and about in the world. Today's Klassy K Wednesday is devoted to a blog survey:

 Four Facts Survey
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
  1. Linds
  2. L
  3. "Mrs. Kim" (this is not my name but I get called this by at least one person every single year!!!)
  4. Bubbles (My dad has always called me this and I love it! )
Four jobs I’ve had:
  1. Kindergarten Teacher (duh!!!)
  2. Tennis Coach (my first job when I was in high school! I loved it! This is when I always tell people I knew I wanted to be a teacher)
  3. Korean Summer School Teacher (These were some fun summers at KCPC!)
  4. Store Associate (for a total of 7 weeks the summer after my freshman year. I don't think I missed my calling in retail.)
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
  1. What To Expect When You're Expecting -This is my favorite movie of all time and I have seen it at least 50 times. Probably more. I'm the annoying person who is saying the lines while they're being spoken throughout the movie. 
  2. Christmas Vacation- a yearly tradition in our house
  3. Sweet Home Alabama- Reese at her absolute best! I have this one on my DVR and I am never deleting it!!!
  4. Just Friends- the awkward hug dance is my favorite.
Four books I’d recommend:
  1. What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty
  2. The Little Prince by Antoine de St. Exupery (if you can read French, you have to read this in French!!! Makes me cry every time) (Yes, I can still read French) (No I can't speak it or understand it orally!)
  3. Looking For Alaska by John Green (and I'll throw in An Abundance of Katherines for free with that one)
  4. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Four places I’ve lived
  1. Marlborough/East Hampton, CT
  2. Johns Creek, GA
  3. Athens, GA

  1. Acworth, GA
Four (recent) places I’ve visited:
  1. Elijay, GA- this cabin rental was our Christmas present to each other last year!

2. Denver, CO - Loved visiting my bestie!!!

3. Chicago, IL - My first time in this city since I was a baby! We went for a gorgeous christening

Orlando, FL - Spring Training this year

Four places I’d rather be right now:
  1. My classroom setting up (although when this goes live I will be there! haha)
  2. My couch watching TV with my babies
  3. My parents pool
  4. On the lake with Britt!

Four things I prefer not to eat:
  1. HOT DOGS- no one understands this but I think they are the GROSSEST things ever
  2. Fish- I love sushi, but fish just grosses me out. I can't bring myself to eat it unless it's in something!
  3. Soda- hate it! Always have and always will!
  4. red sauce- it's just not my face. I love the fatty alfredo so much better
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. MACARONI AND CHEESE- the blue box from Kraft! No fancy pants stuff for me...
  2. Sushi from Izumi in Woodstock
  3. Anything from Chickfila
  4. Teriyaki burgers (made by D of course)

Four TV shows I watch:

  1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette (and Bachelor in Paradise starting this weekend!)
  2. New Girl
  3. Teen Mom (I feel terrible for liking this show but I have been following these girls since I was in high school. I have to watch!)
  4. Walking Dead (SO GOOD)
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
  1. Our trip to DC in a few weeks and other fall weddings!!
  2. Meeting my new kiddos in 8 days!
  3. Football season and playing fantasy football with friends!
  4. Fall and fall weather! I need an excuse to wear my new booties and scarves!
Four things I’m always saying:
  1. Love you (I say this to everyone when I say goodbye to them! I never want to regret not telling someone that!)
  2. Why didn't I put on more sunscreen???? <- Me every time I was in the sun this summer
  3. What's for dinner? (This one makes D laugh because he says I'm obsessed with knowing what's for dinner)
  4. Where are you? (I get lost in stores a lot because I have a tendency to wander...)
I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better! Feel free to play along!


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