Monday, July 20, 2015

A-Z Survey

Good morning! I saw this on Theodora's blog this morning, and even though it's not necessarily teaching related, it seemed so fun! So here we go:
A – Age: 26
B – Biggest Fear: Closed spaces. Super claustrophobic over here. I don't even like wearing tight clothes because I feel TRAPPED
C – Current Time: 7:26 AM
D – Drink You Had Last: Water to the max. I've always loved drinking water.
E – Easiest Person To Talk To: D$! Just ask him how much I love talking to him about every minute detail of my life each day.
F – Favorite Song: Anything by Taylor Swift, always and forever.
G – Grossest Memory: In recent memory — I found cat poop all over the laundry room floor yesterday and started screaming! Apparently *someone* spilled while they were emptying the litter box the other day.
H – Hometown: Johns Creek, Georgia.
I – In Love With: D, Murphy, Ripken, Cody, and Chipper.
J – Jealous Of: All the new construction houses we look through (this is our favorite hobby). We are redoing our whole house, just to get it ready to sell, and I'm kind of getting to the point in our projects where I want to be done and moved already.
K – Kindest Person You Know: Well... I'm a kindergarten teacher so I am surrounded by kind people every day! I could never decide on just one!
L – Longest Relationship: D (and Murphy before D ever came along!)
M – Middle Name: Michele
N – Number of Siblings: 2 biological... but as people get married, my family just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I love it!
P – Person You Spoke To On The Phone Last: My mom! I talk to her almost every day.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: "How do you do it?" (re: teaching kindergarten, haha)
R – Reason To Smile: I have a wonderful life with my best friend, and I have FOUR pets that make me smile every day.
S – Song You Last Sang: Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch!
T – Time You Woke Up: 6 AM... I wish I could sleep when it's summer, but my body won't let me!
U – Underwear Color: Purple Ikat pattern (yeah, I'm pretty snazzy)
V – Vacation Destination: Anywhere a cruise will take me! D and I are dying to go on a cruise, but if we want a new house, I don't think it's going to happen for a while :(
W – Worst Habit: chewing... anything. Gum really loudly, ice (again, loudly), pens, my cuticles...
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: My foot (when I broke it after being in college for three days. Yes, really), my teeth, and my lungs after having two asthma attacks this spring
Y – Your Favorite Food: MACARONI AND CHEESE. But not even the fancy kind. Either my homemade (and only mine) or Kraft forever and ever.
Z – Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 

If you take this survey too, leave a link in the comments! I LOVE reading surveys!


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