Saturday, August 15, 2015

Things to do the first week of kindergarten

I'm alive!!!! I promise! The first week of kindergarten (or any grade for that matter) is always pure chaos, but we always come out the other side so much better. I swear, it's like childbirth... I always forget just how crazy it is until I'm doing it!

I actually went into work today to tie up a few loose ends. Thank goodness I had my partner in crime with me to put together my students' pencil boxes for them. Week two is coming quick, but first... let's look at week one! Here are some things I always make sure to do:

1. Put all my important information right at my finger tips. Once school gets going, these things become second nature and are perfect for storing in your sub folder or binder. The first week, though, my head is spinning and I don't know my kids perfectly yet so I need to keep this on hand! This clipboard went with me everywhere this week. Included is a chart of transportation home (and the sheets parents filled out, just in case there is a question about anything!), a class list with names and numbers (for when you're lining up and need to make sure you have all your little ducks), and my lesson plans. I try to include super detailed lesson plans for each week, but my first week plans are bullet points to make sure I include all the procedures and routines I need to include! I might need to start calling this a back to school bible.

2. Start establishing relationships with kids and parents. I collect parent email information during sneak peek and make sure to send a mass email to my parents right before school starts or the very first day. This helps you to establish that initial relationship, but it also helps make sure you have email addresses correct!!! I also buy a pack of cute postcards and write out my students' names and addresses on them to fill out throughout the week. I try to send them out the first weekend of school so I have something positive to say about each student and let them know how excited I am for them to be in my class!

3. Start assessing your students. Don't go crazy and overwork your kids, but as soon as you have an idea about where your kids are right now, you can get started on looking ahead. Plus, my state has mandated baseline testing we have to input anyway, in addition to testing our county requires. I like to get my math pretests and letter sound testing done ASAP! This particular student cracked me up. :)

4. Take a second to breathe. On Tuesday of this week, I had tons to do. I could've looked through data, called parents, or started planning my week ahead. Instead, I went with D to his softball game and regretted nothing. The weather was gorgeous and getting to see him in his element is one of my favorite things. Listen, I completely understand that teaching and your class are your LIFE, but they really can't be your whole life. You have to learn to strike a balance between the two. Not to mention, if you are overworked and exhausted, it will show to your kids. Please please please take some time this week to take a deep breathe and enjoy your life!


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